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Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production
Why Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production is essential to achieving the SDGs
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Why Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production is essential to achieving the SDGs

Date: March 05, 2020

Update: Slides from the Seminar are now available. This seminar explored what futures of food consumption and production might look like in a post-growth economy and what systemic transformations are needed for work, trade, and everyday life to enhance sustainability at local and global scales.

Future Earth Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production Knowledge and Action Network Seminar

Achieving the SDGs is mandatory if we are to have any chance of a sustainable future. If we take the SDGs seriously, they call for a complete transformation of human societies and economies to live within Earth’s biophysical boundaries and to improve human well-being all over the world. Sustainable Consumption and Production emphatically points to directions for systemic transformation (it is more than just changing consumer behavior or improving the efficiency of production processes). Looking into the connections between how we consume and produce reveals the processes that drive unsustainable development. Ensuring sustainable consumption and production is in many respects the key to understanding and achieving the intent of the seventeen goals that comprise the overall framework for the SDGs.

This seminar is an opportunity to highlight the obligatory nature of SCP in the context of the SDGs and to explore the following questions: How can we reshape supply chains so that they better support the needs of people and the planet? What might futures of food consumption and production look like in a post-growth–and potentially post-capitalist–economy? What systemic transformations are needed for work, trade, and everyday life to enhance sustainability at local and global scales?

As a mechanism for conducting highly integrative sustainability research in collaboration with society, Future Earth facilitates research with Knowledge-Action Networks (KANs). The Regional Center for Future Earth in Asia, hosted by the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN), supports the KAN on System of Sustainable Consumption and Production (KAN-SSCP) as the secretariat. In this seminar, core members of the KAN-SSCP and researchers of the RIHN will provide talks and exchange their views on systems of sustainable consumption and production in the context of the SDGs.

Day: 20 February 2020


Venue: Lecture Hall, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN), Kyoto, Japan (Access)


1:00 – 1:10 p.m. (5:00 am CET) 

Introduction (Hein Mallee, RIHN/Regional Centre for Future Earth in Asia)

1:10 –  1:50 p.m.

Why SSCP is essential to achieving the SDGs (Magnus Bengtsson, independent researcher in the field of environmental sustainability) (via zoom)

1:50 – 2:30 pm

 Environmental Footprint of Nations, Cities, and Households (Keiichiro Kanemoto, RIHN)

2:30 pm – 3:10 (6:30 am CET) via zoom 

SCP beyond the chains of commodities (Sylvia Lorek, Adjunct professor in consumer economics and head of SERI Germany e.V.,) (via zoom)

3:30 – 4:10 pm 

Transforming sustainable food consumption and production (Steven McGreevy, RIHN)

4:10 pm – 4:50 pm 

Changing conditions give birth to changing Japanese lifestyles (Azby Brown, Founder of the KIT Future Design Institute and lead researcher of Safecast)

4:50 – 5:20pm (8:30 am CET)

 Facilitated Discussion (Ria Lambino, RIHN and Charlotte Jensen,Former assistant professor at Aalborg University) (via zoom)

5:20 – 5:30 pm 

Conclusions and Take Home Messages

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This seminar was organized by Future Earth System of Sustainable Consumption and Production and Regional Centre for Future Earth in Asia hosted by the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature.