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Futures of Fixing: Exploring the life of product users in circular economy repair society scenarios


Source:International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics, Lund University

Authors: Svensson-Höglund, Sahra; Thorslund, Minna Laurell; Richter, Jessika Luth; Olsson, Anna Richter; Jensen, Charlotte Louise; Quist, Jaco; Russell, Jennifer; Dalhammar, Carl


The ‘Futures of Fixing’ report outlines four different futures in which product repair constitutes the norm – a so-called “Circular Economy Repair Society” – and explores the implications on society and, more specifically, the individual product user. The focus is on the effect of: 1) the type of market governance structure (i.e., who conducts repairs – the product manufacturer vs. anyone), and; 2) the emphasis in the overall sustainability transition (technical innovation vs. behavioural change). Using a multilevel system model and a stakeholder workshop, the report systematically discerns and describes the implications on product users. The key findings of the report highlight the range of roles that stakeholders can embrace and the consequences this has on everyday life in a repair society. The report concludes that to enhance the quality of life of product users, a system of repair is needed that offers alternative repair options to suit individuals’ different preferences on what makes for a good life.