Amollo Ambole
Dr. Amollo Ambole is a design researcher and lecturer at the University of Nairobi in Kenya. She is passionate about the role of design thinking in development. In early 2017, Amollo was one of the first nine grantees of the LIRA 2030 program that is supporting early-career researchers across Africa to carry out transdisciplinary urban research. In this regard, she is currently leading a multi-country study in Kenya, Uganda and South Africa, focusing on the energy-health nexus. Among her many accomplishments, Amollo is also an Africa Climate Change Leadership program (AfriCLP) policy fellow (2018-2020); and was previously a TRECCAfrica scholar (2012-2016); and a World Social Science fellow in 2014. Amollo has published several academic papers and popular science articles. She has participated in numerous international conferences and workshops. She enjoys painting and social dancing in her spare time. See more in her Linkedin.