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Ben Delbaere

Ben Delbaere (Belgian) is Head of Programme Operations at ECNC with an MSc in Vegetation Ecology (Antwerp University) and in Human Ecology (Free University Brussels). He has over 20 years of experience in providing expertise and support in relation to biodiversity in general and assessments, indicators, monitoring, reporting, ecosystem services, nature-based solutions and ecosystem and species management in particular, as well as relevant international policy initiatives. He is accustomed to interacting with governmental, non-governmental and research organizations in the field of biodiversity and sustainability at international, EU, national, regional and local levels, with a focus on Europe. He has led projects for various clients, such as EU institutions (EEA, DG Environment, DG Research), national and regional governments. Ben is a certified facilitator and experienced in stakeholder involvement, participatory processes, science-policy interaction, and communication. He is ECNC Editor for the Journal for Nature Conservation, ECNC project manager for the European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity, coordinator of the European Learning Network on Functional Agrobiodiversity, member of the ALTER-Net Management Board, Research Associate of the European Forest Institute, and work package leader for dissemination and impact in the OpenNESS FP7 project, including the development of the platform Oppla. Ben is (co)author of over 60 publications.‘Biodiversity influences a large part of my life. Not only professionally but also in my free hours biodiversity inspires me in the way I garden, where I walk or cycle, where I spend my holidays with my family, what I convey to my children, what I draw, etc.’
