Wendy Broadgate
Global Hub Director, Sweden Hub & Interim Coordinating Director
Wendy Broadgate joined Future Earth in 2016 as Global Hub Director, Sweden. She leads the activities of the Swedish Hub, which hosts the Earth Commission Secretariat. The Earth Commission is an expert analysis to underpin the setting of Science-based Targets for a stable Earth system. She also leads the Future Earth team which produces policy briefs for the UN processes for biodiversity (CBD), Climate (UNFCCC) as well as Future Earth’s contribution to the landmark United in Science report for the UN Climate Action Summit in 2019. Wendy has two decades of experience in strategy development, international sustainability research coordination and synthesis, communications and the science-policy interface. She holds a PhD in marine chemistry and has spent much of her career in global change research, publishing on the Anthropocene, Earth system science and ocean-atmosphere interactions. She was Deputy Director of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) for 15 years and director of the The Fisheries Secretariat, a non-profit working towards sustainable fisheries in Europe. At IGBP she was strategic lead on projects such as ocean acidification, the IGBP great acceleration and the Planet Under Pressure Conference, making an impact in scientific synthesis, the Anthropocene concept and policy engagement.