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Giovanni Avila-Flores

Lecturer, Autonomous University of Baja California Sur

Giovanni Ávila-Flores (Gio) obtained his bachelor's degree in Marine Biology at the Autonomous University of Baja California Sur (UABCS), Mexico. Later, he did his master's studies in Environment and Resource Management at the Free University of Amsterdam, Netherlands. Later in 2019, he did a research stay in the "Mangrove Ecology" Working Group of the Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Research in Bremen, Germany. In 2021, he obtained a Ph.D. in Marine and Coastal Sciences from UABCS by presenting a thesis about a comprehensive assessment of mangroves in Baja California Sur, Mexico. On the other hand, he is a member of various global scientific organizations such as the "Ecosystem Services Partnership" and the "Society of Wetland Scientists." He has also held executive positions within some international networks as "Young Ecosystem Services Specialists" (YESS) in the period 2020-2021 and "Early Career Researcher Network of Networks" (ECR NoN) as Chair of the Membership Committee in the period 2022-2023. Also, he has earned national and international prizes and recognitions, highlighting a Certificate of Honor from the UNDP Equatorial Initiative for outstanding volunteer service in 2016 and a Distinction as a Member of the National System of Researchers by the National Council of Science and Technology of Mexico in 2022. Finally, last year he began to participate in Future Earth as a member of the Assembly General in the ECR group.

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