Rachel Cavanagh
I have a first class degree in Zoology and a PhD in population ecology from the University of Liverpool. I work within the British Antarctic Survey’s Ecosystem Programme and my research is focused on understanding the effects of change on Southern Ocean ecosystems. I have a particular interest in providing policy-relevant science on climate and ecosystem dynamics to inform conservation and management decisions. I have 15 years’ experience in coordinating and leading international programmes, and I am currently the Executive Officer of Integrating Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics in the Southern Ocean programme (ICED). I coordinate cross-disciplinary ICED research linking climate science, biogeochemistry and ecology to detect, project and manage the effects of change in the Southern Ocean. I am PI of a NERC International Opportunities Fund grant for ICED and co-leader of the EUR-OCEANS Flagship on Polar Ecosystem Change and Syntheses (PECS), a project funded by the EUR-OCEANS Consortium. Prior to BAS, I was the Executive Officer of the IUCN Shark Specialist Group.