Timon McPhearson
The New School
Timon McPhearson is Associate Professor of Urban Ecology, Director of the Urban Systems Lab, and research faculty at the Tishman Environment and Design Center at The New School. He is also a Research Fellow at The Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies and Associate Research Fellow at Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University. He studies the ecology in, of, and for cities to advance resilience, sustainability, and justice. He publishes in scientific journals such as Nature, Nature Climate Change, and BioScience, in books (e.g. Urban Planet, forthcoming from Cambridge University Press), and in popular press (e.g. The Nature of Cities). He co-leads the U.S. National Science Foundation “Urban Resilience to Extreme Weather Related Events” Sustainability Research Network (UREx SRN) in the US and Latin America and teaches courses on urban resilience, urban social-ecological-technological systems, and urban green infrastructure. His work is read and covered widely including in The Guardian, The New York Times, The Nation, and more.