Transitioning to Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production: From Knowledge to Action
Future Earth Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production
Online Conference 2022
Hosted by: SSCP KAN
In collaboration with:
Future Earth Global Secretariat Hub Taipei (Academia Sinica)
Future Earth Global Secretariat Hub Japan (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature)
The Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production Knowledge – Action Network is organizing an online symposium and you are invited to join! The need for systems of sustainable consumption and production is increasingly urgent, now more than ever. Far-reaching changes are required, but many challenges remain: How to transition to SSCP, build resilient, zero-impact industries and governance, overcome systemic inequality and injustice, and integrate new technologies, policies, and practices into everyday life? The SSCP KAN’s role is to provide a platform to tackle these challenges in a way that leads to real-world action and impact. This conference will be an opportunity to meet these challenges by showcasing examples of bridging research and knowledge production with implementation, education, and action. You are invited to join the discussion!
Conference period: November 8th to the 17th, 2022
Scheduling: Three, 2 to 3-hour long sessions, once per week, scheduled at different times (to allow for participation by a global audience)*
Format: Online, Zoom & Slack/Discord
Call for sessions proposals
Ideally, we ask for sessions that showcase the cutting-edge of SSCP knowledge and action. We highly encourage session organizers to include the voices of practitioners, stakeholders, and non-academic collaborators. SSCP KAN WGs are expected to take a leading role in organizing sessions on relevant topics.
Possible sessions might feature…
- …findings from transdisciplinary or action-research SSCP projects
- …diverse perspectives on SCP that follow different ways of knowing
- …innovative entrepreneurs/business models
- …art and mixed media components
- …different formats (ie. workshops, interactive methods, discussion) for sessions welcome
Session proposals should include the names and affiliations of the session organizers and speakers, the title of the session, a session abstract, individual presenter abstracts, and any additional information on session format or technical needs.
Paper proposals should be no more than a single A4 page and contain the appropriate names and affiliations, title of the paper, a paper abstract, and any additional information on session format or technical needs.
All submissions should be made via Conference Maker. Submission and participation in the conference are completely free of charge. Upload all session proposals by June 14th, 2022.
All submissions will be evaluated by a scientific committee. Any questions or concerns can also be directed to
The Future Earth SSCP KAN Online Conference 2022 Organizing Committee
Steven R. McGreevy (University of Twente)
Jaco Quist (TU Delft)
Daigee Shaw (Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica)
Ria Lambino (Research Institute for Humanity and Nature)
Charles Chiu (Center for Sustainability Science, Academia Sinica)
Kartika Anggraeni (Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production)
Ginnie Guillen-Hanson (Tampere University)
*the exact scheduling will change according to number of accepted sessions and location of presenters
Future Earth Staff MemberSHARE WITH YOUR NETWORK
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