20 May 2020: Virtual Mini-Conference: COVID-19 and Sustainability Transitions
The Future Earth Knowledge-Action Network on Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production invites you to participate in the Mini-conference on COVID-19 and Sustainability Transitions on May 27 starting at 9pm Japan, 2pm Amsterdam, 1pm London, 9 am Sao Paolo, 8 am New York, and 5am San Francisco.
UPDATED: Graphic recordings of the conference are available here!
Register at: https://bit.ly/sscpkanrsvp
Download the poster
An Initiative of the Future Earth Knowledge-Action Network on Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production
May 27, 2020
10pm Australia | 9pm Japan | 8pm China | 2pm Central Europe/South Africa | 1pm United Kingdom | 9am Rio de Janeiro | 8am North America (East) | 7am North America (Central) | 6am North America (Mountain) | 5am North America (Pacific)
***0:00 indicates the start time of the mini-conference (does not refer to a time zone)***
0:00-0:10 Introduction, Maurie Cohen
0:10-00:40 Opening Plenary | Covid-19 and sustainability transitions: a view from the grassroots, Neal Gorenflo, Founder and Executive Director, Shareable
0:40-1:00 Opportunities for local governments to advance sustainability in a post-COVID-19 world, Thomas Reuter, Amy Burnett, Jenna Lamphere, and Liga Rudzite
1:00-1:20 From “locking-down” to “locking-in”: glocal dialogues and a glimpse into changes to everyday life and social practices, Steven McGreevy and Ashley Colby
1:20-1:40 And who cares for women? The importance of care work in the time of COVID-19, Cláudia Santos, Marula Tsagkari, Felix Kwabena Donkor, Nediana Sarrasanti, Karen Smith, and Chadia Wannous
1:40-2:00 Coffee/Cocktail Break
2:00-2:20 Sustainability transitions in the Global South: introducing the network and its ongoing initiatives in the context of COVID-19 crisis, Katharina Schiller, Bipashyee Ghosh, Mark Purdon, and Adriana Marotti de Mello
2:20-2:40 Circular economy opportunities for sustainability transitions in the post-COVID-19 era, Joseph Sarkis, Paul Dewick, and Sarah Strauss
2:40-3:00 School closures and the COVID-19 pandemic: Is there a transformational potential for Education for Sustainable Development/Education for Sustainable Consumption?, Pascal Frank, Daniel Fischer, and Claire Grauer
3:00-3:30 Final Plenary
Biographies of Speakers Available Here
A Special Feature of the Mini-conference
Participants in the mini-conference are invited to share a visual representation of their hopes and inspirations, lives, or experiences of sustainability transitions in the era of COVID-19. Once you upload your images, please provide some explanatory text that identifies the location of your photograph/video and provide your name. We ask that each participant limit themselves to five submissions. Please click the following link to submit your contribution(s): https://photos.app.goo.gl/V8ucavxXDtS27uyL8.
Mini-conference Organizing Committee
Magnus Bengtsson, Caroline Boules, Maurie Cohen, Ashley Colby, Paul Dewick, Felix Kwabena Donkor, Ria Lambino, Hein Mallee, Steven McGreevy, Cláudia Santos, Joseph Sarkis, Nediana Sarrasanti, Craig Starger, Emmanuella Vital, and Esthi Zipori
Organizing Committee for COVID-19 and Sustainability Transitions Initiative
Magnus Bengtsson, Maurie Cohen, Paul Dewick, Ria Lambino, Hein Mallee, Steven McGreevy, Joseph Sarkis, Patrick Schröder, and Esthi Zipori
Management Team of the Future Earth Knowledge-Action Network on Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production
Magnus Bengtsson, Maurie Cohen, Charlotte Jensen, Ria Lambino, Sylvia Lorek, Hein Mallee, Steven McGreevy, and Patrick Schröder
About the Initiative
The Future Earth SSCP KAN initiative of Covid-19 and Sustainable Transitions was inspired by a blog by the leadership of the Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production Knowledge-Action Network and began in late-March in the form ofan interactiveonline Open Forum, which has now developed into a diverse community of over 100 people including scientists, economists, and educators. The community members engage in interdisciplinary discussions around the COVID-19 pandemic aiming to understand the behavioral and institutional dimensions of the COVID-19 pandemic and to open up opportunities to alternative futures that are more socially equitable and environmentally tenable.
The initiative is designed to be dynamic and adaptive to allow it to respond organically to the community as it evolves. The process of exploration and collaboration is being conducted at present by over 100 people in a rapidly expanding Slack workspace.
Learn more about their exploration and themes they have identified to pursue from a real-time report.
Message to the administrative coordinator Esthi Zipori at ezipori@gmail.com for enquiries.
Future Earth Staff MemberSHARE WITH YOUR NETWORK
Call for Proposals: Belmont Forum CRA on Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production
The Political Economy of (Un)Sustainable Production and Consumption: A Multidisciplinary Synthesis for Research and Action
Call for Nominations: Steering Committee for Future Earth Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production Knowledge-Action Network